Tuesday 20 August 2013

Slowly but surely ?

Things have been pretty calm this week , just the usual not going to school.
Though there has been a little stress with our house guest as much as I love having her and her bubba here it is putting the dynamics of the house out of whack. 
R gets fustrated when the bubba cries or is baby stuff in the way. Also with one couch in the house makes it difficult for us all to sit .
R has really takjen to L's boyfriend and they get along so well . L is R's sister and she also seems to know how to deal with him so it is good at times because they take him for a afternoon here and there and I can have some work or me time.
The mental health unit was great had a hour long phonecall and they will ring back Monday to see what we can implement to help R . The lady was very understanding and knew what she was talking about and was worried about my boy.
It is so nice for someone to actually believe me when I talk about what he does and won't do.
R's main teacher from school rang also yesterday and we had a chat she is also someone that seems to understand as well. R was going to school today as he loves wednesdays but this teacher won't be there so he is now going friday (fingers crossed) .
I have also been busy and upped 2 out of 3 payments for my debts , only a extra 5 and 10 dollars but it is something.
Business course is finished , just putting the finishing touchs on my business plan to hand in for final assesment.
Also busy stitching away as I had awesome sales at the market depleting my stock . So fingers crossed things are coming back slowly but surely.

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